I was playing around with some plsql code today.Just posting this sample plsql code as I thought this can help people.
This is a sample code that will search for all tables with name ABC,ABC1,ACB2 in all schema's in database and execute a NOAUDIT against these tables. This sql can be modified to accommodate any changes where you want to run a query against all tables & schema's.
sample code:
result sys_refcursor;
V_OWNER Varchar2(100):='SCHEMA_NAME'; --- update this with schema you want to audit.
strTableOwner Varchar2(100);
strTableName Varchar2(100);
strQuery varchar2(300);
open result for
select owner,table_name from user_tables where
table_name in ('ABC','ABC1',ABC2') and owner = 'V_OWNER' order by table_name;
fetch result into strTableOwner,strTableName;
exit when result%notfound;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT('NOAUDIT DELETE,UPDATE on '||strTableOwner||'.'||strTableName1||';');
strQuery := 'NOAUDIT DELETE,UPDATE on '||strTableOwner||'.'||strTableName1||' ';
execute immediate strQuery;
end loop;
close result;
Note : you can edit this part to what ever you want. >>>> NOAUDIT DELETE,UPDATE on
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